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155. Foucault M. L'Usage des phusirs: Histoire de la sexualite. -- P., 1984. -- Vol. 2. -- 290 p.

156. Friedman S. S. Lyric subvertions of narrative. // Reading narrative: Forms, ethics, ideology. / Ed. by PhelanJ. -- Columbus, 1989. -- P. 162 185.

157. Friedman S. S. Post/poststructuralist feminist criticism: The politics of recuperation and negotiation. // New lit. history. -Charlottesville. 1991. --Vol. 22, No 2. -- P. 456-490.

158. Fuss D. Essentially speaking: Feminism, nature and difference. -- N. Y., 1989. -- 160р.

159. Gender and theory: Feminism/postmodernism. / Ed. by Nicholson L. J. -- N. Y., 1990. -- 352 p.


160. Genette G. Nouveau discours du recit. -- P., 1983. -- 178 p.

161. Genette G. Palimpsestes: La litterature au seconde degre. -- P., 1982.--467 p.

162. Genette G. Le statut pragmatique de la fiction narrative. // Poetique. -- P.. 1988. -- No 78. -- P. 237-249.

163. Gilbert S. M., Gubar S. The madwoman in the attic: The woman writer and the nineteenth-century literary imagination. -- N. Y.. 1979.-XIV.719p.

164. Girard R. Dostoievski du double a 1'unite. -- P., 1963. -- 191 p.

165. Girard R. Mensonge romantique et verite romanesque. -- P., 1978. -351 p.

166. Girard R. La violence et le sacre. -- P., 1972. -- 453 p.

167. Grivel Ch. Theses preparatoires sur les intertextes. // Dialogizat, Theorie und Geschichte der Uteratur und der schonen Kunste. / Hrsg. von Lachluann R. -- Munchen, 1982. -- S. 237-249.

168. Gunn D. Psychoanalysis and fiction: An exploitation of literary and psychoanalytic borders. -- Stanford etc., 1988. --XI, 251 p.

169. Habermas G. Zur Logik der Sozialwissenschaften. -- Frankfurt a. M., 1982. --606S.

170. Habermas G. Theorie des kommunikativen Handels. -- Frankfurt a.M., 1981.--Bd 1-2.

171. Halllburton D. Poetic thinking: An approach to Heidegger. -- Chicago, 1981. --XII, 235 p.

172. Handwerk G. J. Irony and ethics in narrative: From Schlegel to Lacan. -- New Haven. 1985. -- 224 p.

173. Hartman G. A. Saving the text: Literature, Derrida, philosophy. -Baltimore; L. 1981. --XXVII, 184 p.

174. Hassan I. The dismemberment of Orpheus: Toward a postmodernist literature. -- Urbana, 1971. -- 297 p.

175. Hassan I. Making sense: The trials of postmodernist discourse. // New lit. history. -- Baltimore, 1987. -- Vol. 18, No 2. -- P. 437-469.

176. Hassan I. Paracriticism: Seven speculations of the times. -- Urbana, 1975. --XVIII. 184р.

177. Hassan I. The right promethean fire: Imagination, science and cultural change. -- Urbana, 1980. -- XXI. 219 p.

178. Heath S. Anato то. // Screen. -- L., 1976. --Vol. 17, No 4. -- P. 49-56.

179. Heath S. Vertige du deplacement: Lecture de Barthes. -- P., 1974. -214р.

179a. Heidegger M. The basic problems of phenomenology. -- Bloomington, 1982.--XXXI, 396 p.

180. Heller Th., Wellbery D. E. Introduction. // Reconstructing individualism: Autonomy, individuality a. the self in the Western thought. / Ed. by Heller Th. et al. -- Stanford, 1986. -- P. 10-15.

181. Hermstein-Smith В. On the margin of discourse. -- Chicago, 1978. -185 p.


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