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68. Benvenuto В., Kennedy R. The works of Jacques Lacan: An introduction. -- L., 1986. -- 237 p.

69. Birringer J. Theatre, theory, postmodernism. -- Bloomington: Indiapolis, 1991 -- 235 p.

70. Bowie М. Freud, Proust and Lacan: Theory as fiction. -- Cambridge, 1987. -- 225 p.

71. Brenkman J. Culture and domination. -- Ithaca, 1985. -- XI, 239 p.

72. Brenkman J. Deconstruction and the social text. // Social text. -Michigan, 1979. --Vol. 2, No 1. -- P. 27-51.

73. Brooke-Rose Chr. A rhetoric of the unreal: Studies in narrative and structure, especially the fantastic. -- Cambridge etc., 1981. --VII. 446р.

74. Brooks P. Reading for the plot: Design and intention in narrative. -N. Y., 1984, -- XVIII, 363 p.

75. Burner J. Actual minds, possible worlds. -- Cambridge, 1986. -- 265р.

76. Butler Ch. After the Wake: An essay on the contemporary avantgarde. -Oxford, 1980. -- XI, 177 p.

77. Butler Ch. Interpretation, deconstruction, and ideology. -- Oxford, 1986. --X. 159р.

78. Butor. -- P., 1969. -- 94 р. -- (Arc; No 39).

79. Calabrese 0. L'eta neobarocca. -- Roma, 1987. -- 170 p.

80. Chase С. Transference as trope and persuasion. // Discourse in the psychoanalysis and literature. / Ed. by Rimmon-Kenan S.-L. -- L.; N. Y., 1987. -- P. 211-229.

81. Caputo J. P. Radical hermeneutics: Repetition, deconstruction and the hermeneutical project. -- Bloomington, 1987. -- DC, 319 p.

82. Christian B. Black women novelists: The development of a Tradition: 1892-1976. --Westport, 1976. --XIV, 275 p.

83. Cixous H. Le rire de la Meduse. // Arc. -- P., 1975. -- No 61. -- P. 3-54.

84. Cixous H. Sorties. // Sixous H. Clement. Catherine: Lajeune nee. -P., 1979.--P. 114-275.

85. Coming to terms: Feminism, theory, politics. / Ed. by Weed E. -- N.Y., 1989. --320р.

86. Coward R.. EUis J. Language and materialism: Developments in semiology and the theory of the subject. -- L., 1977. -- XII, 187 p.


87. Culler J. On deconstruction: Theory and criticism after structuralism. -- L. etc.. 1983. -- 307 p.

88. Culler J. Framing the sign: Criticism and its institutions. - Norman: Lnd.. 1988. --XVIII. 237 p.

89. Culler J. Structuralist poetics: Structuralist, linguistics and the study of literature. -- Ithaca. 1975. --XIX. 301 p.

90. Debord G. La societe du spectacle. - P.. 1992. -- 170 p.

91. Debord G. Comments on The society of spectacle. -- L.. 1990. -- 128р.

92. De Certeau M. The practice of everyday life.-- L.. 1984. -- 260 p.

93. Deconstruction and criticism. / Ed. by Bloom H. et al. -- N. Y.. 1979. -- IX. 256 p.

94. Deleuze G.. Guattari F. Capitalisme et schizophrenie: L'Anti-Oedipe. --P.. 1972. ~ 470 p.

95. Deleuze G.. Guttari F. Difference et repetition. - P.. 1963. -- 409 p.

96. Deleuze G. The fold: Leibniz and the Baroque. -- L.. 1992. -- 192 p.

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