[Религия, эзотерика / Философия / Публицистика]
This book is meant to be a companion to “Heretics,” and to put the positive side in addition to the negative. Many critics complained of the book called “Heretics” because it merely criticised
The Ballad of the White Horse
[Поэзия: прочее]
The Ballad of the White Horse is one of the last great epic poems in the English language. On the one hand it describes King Alfred’s battle against the Danes in 878. On the other hand it is a
[Религиозная литература: прочее / Публицистика / Религия, эзотерика]
G. K. Chesterton, the “Prince of Paradox”, is at his witty best in this collection of twenty essays and articles from the turn of the twentieth century. Focusing on “heretics” — those who pride
The Deerslayer
[Приключения про индейцев / Исторические приключения]
Set in 1740 during the French and Indian Wars, The Deerslayer testifies to the murderous humanity and natural beauty on which the history of America was written. In the climactic novel of the
No Thoroughfare
[Классическая проза]
A story of mistaken identities, courage, justice, and a journey that stretches from the depths of the city of London to the Alps and the Mediterranean.
Третья промышленная революция
Автор концепции Третьей промышленной революции, известный ученый, влиятельный американский экономист и эколог Джереми Рифкин, считает, что на смену традиционным централизованным моделям бизнеса в
Сила эмпатии
Недопонимания и конфликты неизбежны. Но всегда можно найти выход из любой тупиковой ситуации, если научиться проявлять эмпатию: перемещать перспективу и смотреть на происходящее с разных точек
Sybil, Or, The Two Nations
[Классическая проза]
Sybil, or The Two Nations is one of the finest novels to depict the social problems of class-ridden Victorian England. When published, it was a sensation for its immediacy and readability brought the
The Brothers Karamazov
[Русская классическая проза]
Dostoyevsky’s towering reputation as one of the handful of thinkers who forged the modern sensibility has sometimes obscured the purely novelistic virtues–brilliant characterizations, flair for
Vivian Grey
[Классическая проза]
Originally published anonymously, ostensibly by a so-called “man of fashion”, the first part caused a considerable sensation in London society. Contemporary reviewers, suspicious of the numerous
[Классическая проза]
Tancred; or, The New Crusade is a novel by Benjamin Disraeli, first published by Henry Colburn in three volumes. Together with Coningsby (1844) and Sybil (1845) it forms a sequence sometimes called
The Idiot
[Русская классическая проза]
The twenty-six-year-old Prince Myshkin, following a stay of several years in a Swiss sanatorium, returns to Russia to collect an inheritance and be among people. Even before he reaches home he meets
The House of the Dead
[Русская классическая проза]
The House of the Dead is a fictionalized memoir of a man serving a ten-year prison sentence for murdering his wife. Dostoyevsky drew heavily from his own four-year prison internment in a Siberian
Amore, morte (СИ)
[Современные любовные романы / Короткие любовные романы / Самиздат]
Эта история мне приснилась. Не утерпела и записала ее. В больницу попадает девушка. Доктором оказывается интересный мужчина. Что будет дальше, не знает никто.
History of the Plague in London
[Историческая проза]
The History of the Great Plague in London in the Year 1665, Containing Observations and Memorials of the Most Remarkable Occurrences, Both Public and Private, During That Dreadful Period.
The Life, Adventures & Piracies of
[Исторические приключения / Морские приключения]
The narrative describes the life of an Englishman, stolen from a well-to-do family as a child and raised by Gypsies who eventually makes his way to sea. One half of the book concerns Singleton’s
Barnaby Rudge
[Историческая проза]
Set against the backdrop of the Gordon Riots of 1780, Barnaby Rudge is a story of mystery and suspense which begins with an unsolved double murder and goes on to involve conspiracy, blackmail,
Меч с берегов Валгаллы
О старом заброшенном Громовском кладбище близ Петербурга ходит масса жутких слухов: поговаривают, там творятся страшные и таинственные дела, исчезают люди и якобы в одном из древних захоронений