Феномен советской укранизации 1920-1930 годы
Автор: Борисёнок Елена
В монографии впервые в отечественной историографии анализируется национальная политика большевиков в отношении Украинской ССР в 1920—1930-е годы, получившая название украинизации. Украинизация рассматривается на широком общественно-политическом фоне, как элемент сложных маневров советского руководства и в центре, и в республике. В книге представлены предпосылки, этапы и результаты политики украинизации, прослеживается ее связь с общим курсом партийного и советского руководства. Показано также восприятие большевистской национальной политики широкими слоями населения Украины – интеллигенцией, чиновничеством, рабочими, крестьянами.
The monograph is the first attempt in Russian historiography to analyze the national policy of Bolsheviks with regard to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1920-1930, a process which was called the «ukrainization». This phenomenon is considered on a wide social and political background as an element of complex maneuvering of the Soviet leadership both in Moscow and in the republic itself. The book reveals the premises, the stages and the results of this policy, tracing back its connection with the general course of the party and state leadership. It also demonstrates how the national policy of the Bolsheviks has been perceived by the wide strata of Ukraine's population, its intellectuals, officials, workers and farmers.
The monograph is the first attempt in Russian historiography to analyze the national policy of Bolsheviks with regard to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic in 1920-1930, a process which was called the «ukrainization». This phenomenon is considered on a wide social and political background as an element of complex maneuvering of the Soviet leadership both in Moscow and in the republic itself. The book reveals the premises, the stages and the results of this policy, tracing back its connection with the general course of the party and state leadership. It also demonstrates how the national policy of the Bolsheviks has been perceived by the wide strata of Ukraine's population, its intellectuals, officials, workers and farmers.
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