The Best of Frederik Pohl

Добавлено: 10 декабрь 2021, 09:10. Просмотров: 305
Introduction by Lester del Rey. Contents:

The Tunnel under the World (1955)

Punch (1961)

Three Portraits and a Prayer (1962)

Day Million (1966)

Happy Birthday, Dear Jesus (1956)

We Never Mention Aunt Nora (1958)

Father of the Stars (1964)

The Day the Martians Came (1967)

The Midas Plague (1954)

The Snowmen (1959)

How to Count on Your Fingers (1956) essay

Grandy Devil (1955)

Speed Trap (1967)

The Richest Man in Levittown (1959)

The Day the Icicle Works Closed (1960)

The Hated (1958)

The Martian in the Attic (1960)

The Census Takers (1956)

The Children of Night (1964)
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